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The following information has been adapted and/or quoted from the FPLS Matrix (2023).


Domain 2: Instructional Leadership

Standard 3: Instructional Plan Implementation
"Effective school leaders work collaboratively to develop and implement an instructional framework that aligns curriculum and state standards, effective instructional practices, student learning needs and assessments."


  1. "Implements the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices through a common language of instruction."

  2. "Engages in data analysis for instructional planning and improvement."

  3. "Communicates the relationships among academic standards, effective instruction, and student performance."

  4. "Implements the district's adopted curricula and state's adopted academic standards in a manner that is rigorous and culturally relevant to the students and school."

  5. "Ensures the appropriate use of high quality formative and interim assessments aligned with the adopted standards and curricula."

The following project from the M.Ed. Educational Leadership program displays evidence of my learning and skills relating to the standard. 

Key Assignment

Reflection on Coursework & Experiences

The purpose of standard three is similar to standard one in that it requires school leaders to demonstrate their ability both create and implement an instructional framework that adheres to state standards while keeping student learning growth and success at the forefront. While the instructional plan project provided evidence of my skills and experiences in standard one, it continues to provide evidence of my skills and experiences in standard three. The instructional learning plan, co-created with the principal of Goldsboro Elementary Magnet School, was not only developed to establish short-term objectives for the school, but to also communicate clear, concise, and measurable instructional strategies that teachers will be required to practice in their classrooms in order to enhance student success. 


During this project, I learned the importance of "follow-up" in the planning and implementation of an instructional plan. At the start of every staff meeting, the principal of our school would remind teachers of the school's overall mission and vision and how it is expected to be incorporated into instruction based on the developed instructional plan. Additionally, when conducting classroom observations, she would focus on whether or not teachers were using high quality formative assessments that were aligned to the state standard and instructional plan. Reflecting on this standard, I believe an area of growth in my leadership skills would be to follow-up and ensure the goals of my school's instructional plan are being met. 

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