The following information has been adapted and/or quoted from the FPLS Matrix (2023).

Domain 4: Professional & Ethical Behavior
Standard 10: Professional and Ethical Behaviors
"Effective school leaders demonstrate personal and professional behaviors consistent with quality practices in education and as a community leader."
"Adheres to the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida."
"Demonstrates resiliency by staying focused on the school vision and reacting constructively to the barriers to success that include disagreement and dissent with leadership."
"Demonstrates a commitment to the success of all students, identifying barriers and their impact on the well-being of the school, families, and local community."
"Engages in professional learning that improves professional practice in alignment with the needs of the school system."
"Demonstrates willingness to admit error and learn from it."
"Demonstrates explicit improvement in specific performance areas based on previous evaluations and formative feedback."

Reflection on Coursework & Experiences
The purpose of standard ten is for school leaders to demonstrate their ability to reflect on and continue developing their practice. The leadership development plan was created as a way for me to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses as a leader with the purpose of addressing my weaknesses and capitalizing on my strengths. There are four surveys completed within the leadership development plan to highlight my skills and traits as a leader. The four surveys include: the Temperament Survey, the Teacher's Occupational Preference Inventory Assessment, the Principal's Influence Questionnaire, the Principal's Interpersonal Confidence Index.
The conclusion of the leadership development plan, created at the beginning of the M.Ed. Educational Leadership program, states that I am an "...introvert with strengths in order, discipline, precision, and problem solving," while also stating that my area of growth resides mainly in communicating "...clearly and efficiently with all stakeholders..." (Lench, p. 5). Reflecting on this leadership development plan, I believe I have made quite a bit of growth in the area of communication over the course of the program. Of course, there are still areas of growth, as no leader is perfect, but I can confidently say that I would now rate myself effective, if not highly effective, in the area of communication based on my projects and experiences. Going back to standard ten, I will continue to demonstrate my leadership skills by seeking consistent feedback, reflecting on my practice, and committing to improving my areas of growth with continued professional development and learning.